River Colne & Holme Tributary Survey
Check survey of over 40km of rivers including the River Colne, Holme and New Mill Dike that had previously been surveyed in 2005.
This survey was to be used to quantify any elevation changes associated with the previously surveyed areas. Existing control stations used on the previous survey would also be checked to an E6 grade specification.
Client Requirements:
- Channel Cross Sections & Hydraulic Structures in AutoCAD format. Surveyed at requested locations, presented with Hard & Soft Bed.
- Long Section profile surveyed through any requested weirs and shown in AutoCAD format.
- All Cross Sections surveyed using existing 2005 naming system.
- Data outputted in EACSD, ISIS & XYZ format.
- Survey report and photographs of each Cross Section. Each photograph named with the Cross Section name and a description.
- Checks on existing Control Stations used in the 2005 survey, surveyed to E6 grade specification.